Week of the Young Child
March 12, 2014Week of the Young Child is just around the corner. Join Rockness Music in celebrating this very special occasion!
What is the Week of the Young Child?
The Week of the Young Child is a yearly celebration that calls attention to the needs of young children and their families. It is also a week where we recognize and celebrate the early childhood programs and services that strive to enrich the daily lives of our toddlers and parents.
Who organizes Week of the Young Child?
Week of the Young Child is organized annually by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Their motto, “The Early Years are the Learning Years,” serves as a reminder to everyone that the early childhood years (up to 8 years) lay the foundation for a child’s success later in life.
When is Week of the Young Child?
The Week of the Young Child is April 6-12th, 2014.
It was first organized in 1971 by the NAEYC as a time for those involved in early childhood services to plan how we as a community can work to better meet the needs of young children and their parents.
For more information, as well as well as how to participate, please visit the NAEYC’s website: http://www.naeyc.org/woyc.
Why is music so important to the development of our young children?
Rockness Music has always subscribed to the notion that music education is an extremely important aspect of a child’s development – it’s the reason we are so passionate about what we do! We love rockin’ out with all of our little rock stars, but we know we’re doing more together than simply having a good time – we’re helping to educate, inspire, and develop cognitive function.
Research shows that those who are involved with music, from as early as two months, are quicker to develop both mentally and physically. “When you’re a musician and you’re playing an instrument, you have to be using more of your brain,” says Dr. Eric Rasmussen, the chair of the Early Childhood Music Department at Johns Hopkins. “Children involved in music have larger growth in [brain activity] than those not in music training.”
For more about the benefits of music education, visit our friends at PBS: http://www.pbs.org/parents/education/music-arts/the-benefits-of-music-education/
How is Rockness Music celebrating Week of the Young Child?
During Week of the Young Child, Rockness Music will be celebrating not only by rockin’ out during our Spring Sings locations across New Jersey and New York, but also by performing for our friends at our favorite preschools. We value the development of young children through music above all else, and we can’t wait to do our part this April!
To contact Rockness Music about a potential booking during this important week, please e-mail us at info@rocknessmusic.com or call 732-205-1971
For more information about Rockness Music’s Spring Sings session, visit our class description page: http://www.Rocknessmusic.com/classes/.
Let’s celebrate Week of the Young Child together!
Keep Rockin’,
– Rockness Music