September is right around the corner, and for some of you, this time September will be even more special! That’s right, your little one is getting ready for his or her first day of school!
Now there’s a bunch of emotions that you could be feeling right now- happiness, nervousness, excitement, anxiety, and even relief! But not to worry, you have prepared your child for this moment since the second you held them in your arms.
Here are some tips you can use to help make the transition to preschool a really rockin’ time.
Practicing preschool makes perfect
1. When you get closer to the first day, you should start to mimic the routines your child will soon experience. Try incorporating activities like sing-a-longs, read-alouds, circle time and even nap time into your daily schedule. With read-alouds, have them sit across from you in criss cross style.
2. Get your child used to self-helping tasks like zipping up their jacket and putting on their backpack. You can make quick games out of it, like seeing how fast they can put on their shoes (safely) or how quick they can pack up all their belongings. See how your child helps themselves, how easy is it for them to take out their lunch and eat on their own? Observing things like this can help you help your child take on the big girl and boy tasks of preschool.
3. If the preschool your child is going to has an open park or playground near, take them there to play! Chances are they will be playing in that place at some point, so why not get them accustomed to the area?
4. Get your child accustomed to sharing, especially if they don’t have a sibling. Tell them to ask for things politely, and that everyone should get a turn at things that are fun!
5. Start implementing a bedtime if you haven’t already. You don’t want to wait until the night before to force them to go to bed at a time they’re aren’t used to. A rockstar needs his sleep!
Don’t worry about a thing, cause every little thing
(and one!) is gonna be alright!
1. It’s important not to worry your child about preschool, but at the same time listen to the concerns they may have. Always reassure them that you’ll be there to pick them up everyday, that the people will be nice, and that they will have fun learning and making new friends! Let them know that many people go to preschool and grow up to be just fine!
2. If your child starts to act out by throwing tantrums and clinging on to you, know that this is natural.
3. Most importantly, reassure your child that you still love and them and you’re not abandoning them! Let them know that they will still have Mommy-and-Me or Daddy-and-Me time! Even plan out a weekend schedule if that helps, and let them pick an activity to do very Saturday!
It’s the final countdown!
1. When the days dwindle down and the first day of preschool gets closer and closer, start to shop with your little one for clothes and supplies! Let them feel and understand how much they are a part of this, and how rockin’ it is for big boys and girls to get ready for school! Having them pick out their backpack is a great way for them to feel like a big kid making big decisions!
2. Label everything! Clothes, supplies, lunch- put your little one’s name all over it! Show your child everything that belongs to them, so they know what they have in their backpack and they know what to bring home.
3. Make sure your child is up to date on immunizations or medication that they take. Make sure the school is aware of any medication or special needs that your child has!
The Night Before
1. Have your child pick out a reasonable outfit for the first day (as long as it’s weather and preschool proof!)
2. Make sure they get a good night’s rest! Remember a 2-4 year old child should be getting 9-12 hours of sleep a night (not including daytime naps)!
3. Also plan out your morning! Know what time you should get up, what time you should wake up your little one, and what you’ll make for breakfast and their lunch.
4. Pack your child’s backpack. The less you have to do in the morning, the less stressful it will be!
The Day is Here!
1. Make sure you wake up and leave enough time for you and your little one to get ready and pictures to be taken- be sure to capture this major moment!
2. When you pack their lunch, make sure you pick some of their favorite foods!
3. Let them take a trinket to school on the first day to help them transition from home to school. It could be a small stuffed animal, a tiny favorite toy, or a picture of your family to make them feel at home.
4. When you drop them off, stay around for a couple of minutes. If you leave too soon, it might worry your child.
5. This might be a nervous morning for you, but try your best not to let your child see that! If you look worried, your child will most likely pick up on your emotions and feel that they have to worry as well.
6. Think of a special goodbye! A fun high-five, a kiss to put in their pocket all day, or a happy hug that lasts all day- a cute goodbye can help the sendoff go smoothly!
7. When you finally decide to leave, don’t run back if you hear your child crying for you. We know this is the hardest part. No one wants to hear their child upset, but this is a common reaction on the first day. Your child will be okay! You prepared them for this day! You both are ready! If you are really worried, you can call the school later on during the day to make sure your little one is alright.
We hope these tips will help you get in tip-top shape for the first day! Your little ones will soon be rockin’ out at preschool! So don’t stress!