Music Enrichment Classes for Preschools

Hands-On Enrichment Classes for Active Toddlers.

The toddler stage is an exciting one – for toddlers and their caregivers. As toddlers explore the world around them, they are more active, verbal and expressive. Rockness Music understands that healthy development at this stage must include plenty of hands-on learning opportunities. We offer the very best music enrichment classes for toddlers that incorporates a combination of music, movement, and STEM activities.

Toddlers Acquire New Vocabulary Every Day.

When children pass from the baby stage to the toddler stage, they rapidly begin to acquire new vocabulary – often picking up a few new words a day. As any specialist will tell you, the best way to develop a toddler’s language skills is to use language. Toddlers learn to speak by hearing adults speak and by being given the opportunity to speak. Naturally, the connection between music and language development is clear. As toddlers sing songs, they learn new vocabulary and how to articulate and pronounce new words.

Music and Movement are Now More Important Than Ever Before.

Along with the major language milestones that occur during the toddler stage, this is also when children develop their gross motor skills. As they enter the toddler stage, they will grow in leaps and bounds. It is during this phase that little ones will learn to run, jump, tiptoe, kick, and dance! The gross motor skills they develop during this stage will help them throughout the rest of their lives. Therefore, it is important to keep kids moving. School music programs for toddlers allow them to strengthen these gross motor skills in a healthy and safe environment.

Music Enrichment Classes Open The Door to Exploration.

Toddler music classes give these little ones the chance to explore the world around them. With the right music enrichment program for toddlers, students should learn how music can teach them new things. Outside of the arts, music is now being used to teach important STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) skills with even our youngest students. For example, as students explore instruments and learn to recognize patterns, they are using music as a STEM learning tool.

Rockness Music’s Music Classes for Toddlers Incorporate Verbal, Movement, and STEM activities.

This is what sets Rockness Music’s school music programs for toddlers apart from other toddler music classes. Rockness Music has keyed into what toddlers need the most. Our unique music enrichment programs for toddlers are designed with music, movement, and STEM activities. For example, as toddlers participate in a MDI (Mystery Discovery Instrument activity) each class, they will learn about shapes, materials, and sounds.

As Rockness Music instructors know toddlers need to be verbal, they use a responsive classroom approach using a series of questions and responses rather than simply telling our students what each mystery discovery instrument is. And, since Rockness Music knows movement is important, our classes are dynamic, hands-on, and designed to get toddlers up and moving. By placing age-appropriate instruments and props in their hands, toddlers are encouraged to move around and make noise.

Rockness Music Knows How to Encourage Positive Results.

Everything Rockness Music does from the beginning to the end of class has been implemented to encourage positive results. Each song we sing, each instrument we play, and each move we make is designed to help children grow and develop musically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Our weekly classes are research-based and proven to teach toddlers life skills such as self-control and self-expression.

Our Music Classes Come to You!

Are you are looking for in-school music classes or after school music programs for toddlers?

Rockness Music offers far more than your standard toddler music class. Rockness Music brings our instruments and instructors to schools, daycares, community centers, and early development centers all across New York and New Jersey. Plus, we can customize the length of our sessions for your school (with consideration given to age groups).

Our gifted, STEM-minded music instructors are ready to come to your school to help your toddlers make music, move and learn.